March Town Mayor


 Mayor of March 2024-25 Councillor Gary Christy elected on 13 May 2024

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Andrew Woollard with Mayor Councillor Gary Christy.   

  Presentation to RAF Cadet with her badge and medal to support the Mayor.  


A Mayor is elected by Town Councillors every year at the Annual Meeting in May.

The Mayor is elected for a 12-month term.

However, they may serve for more than one year if re-elected.

Duties and responsibilities of The Mayor

As Mayor of March, Councillor Gary Christy has a number of duties and responsibilities:

  • presiding over council meetings and, in the case of equality of votes, he has a second or casting vote
  • promoting and raising awareness of the Council’s main objectives and priority issues
  • encouraging and supporting all aspects of life in March by attending civic and public events
  • receiving distinguished visitors to the Town
  • acting as host on behalf of the council and the citizens of March at civic functions
  • acting as a spokesperson to the local, national and international media
  • providing an appropriate response on behalf of March at times of local, national and international catastrophe
  • supporting and encouraging charitable and other appeals, as appropriate
  • promoting March’s business, commercial, cultural and social life
  • promoting March as a place of excellence in which to do business and as a tourist destination.

Addressing the Mayor

If you are speaking in public and would like to welcome or introduce the Mayor, the usual form of address is simply ‘ Mister Mayor’, or, for example, “and so, I’d like to welcome Councillor Gary Christy, Mayor of March.”

If you are speaking to the Mayor in conversation, the correct title remains ‘Mister Mayor’.

If you would like to write to the Mayor, you should address your letter to ‘ The Mayor, Councillor Gary Christy. You can also abbreviate this to ‘ Mayor, Councillor Gary Christy’.

You should also begin your letter with ‘Dear Mister Mayor’.

All invitations for the Mayor to attend events should be sent via the March Town Council office.

If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, please give details including:
date, time, location, dress code, and whether the Mayor will be required to carry out any duties (speech etc).

Contact us: March Town Council

01354 653709

Town Hall
March Cambs PE15 9JF


Annual Council Meeting held on the 13 May 2024 -Photos of the outgoing Mayor Cllr Kim French and outgoing Deputy Mayor Cllr Gary Christy.

Back – left to right:  Cllr Hannah Orbell, Cllr Andrew Woollard, Cllr Martin Field, Cllr Jennifer Lawler, Cllr Tim Taylor, Cllr Stephen Court, Cllr Nigel Spencer, Cllr Mark Purser, Assistant Clerk Sally Taylor. 

Front – left to right: Town Clerk Sarah Lemmon, Mayor’s RAF Cadet, Mayor Cllr Kim French, Deputy Mayor Cllr Gary Christy, Cllr Jan French. 

  RAF March Cadets & Mayor    

6 June 2024 Lighting the Beacon 80th D-Day event. Photos from the 80th D-Day event held at March West End March.  The Mayor of March, Cllr Gary Christy presented with other dignitaries the Lighting of the Beacon. 


July 2024  – The Mayor of March, Cllr Gary Christy presents the ‘Freedom of the Town’ to Cllr Jan French for all her efforts over the past years and her dedicated support to the Town of March.  


2023/24  At the Annual Meeting held on 15 May 2023 Councillor Mark Purser was elected as Mayor of March Town Council. Councillor Gary Christy was elected as his Deputy. 

On 7 August 2023, Cllr Mark Purser resigned from his position on March Town Council as Mayor or March due to ill health. Cllr Kim French was duly elected as his successor as Mayor of March for the remainder of the 2023/2024 term. 

2022/23 At the Annual Meeting 9 May 2022 Councillor Kim French was nominated and accepted the office of Mayor.  Councillor Mark Purser was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Photo of outgoing Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors.

Back – left to right:  Sally Taylor, Assistant Clerk, Cllr Jan French, Cllr Rob White, Cllr Gary Tustin.

Front – left to right:  Sarah Lemmon, Town Clerk, Cllr Ruth Johnson, Mayor Cllr Kim French, Deputy Mayor Cllr Mark Purser and Cllr Stephen Court.

2019/20     At the Annual Meeting 13 May 2019 Councillor Rob Skoulding was nominated and accepted the post of Mayor.

2018/19     At the Annual Meeting 14 May 2018 Councillor Jan French was nominated and accepted the post of Mayor.

Councillor Kit Owen was elected Deputy Mayor

2017/18     At the Annual Meeting 15 May 2017 Councillor Kim French was nominated and accepted the post of Mayor. She was elected unanimously, gave a brief introductory speech of her aspirations and signed her “Declaration of Office”. She thanked the outgoing Mayor for all his efforts and stated that she would do everything in her power to carry out her duties for the benefit of the people of March. Councillor Mrs Jan French was elected Deputy Mayor.

2016/17 Councillor Andrew Donnelly became Mayor of March and is
pictured here with Deputy Mayor
Councillor Kim French.

Picture courtesy Fenland Citizen

Mayor Andrew Donnelly was pleased to show his support for The Merchant Navy.
The Chief Executive of the Federation of Merchant Mariners Derek Bristow thanked everyone for their support in commemorating the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the Merchant Navy who have for many years felt that their part in war and conflict had been overlooked.
Cambridgeshire sent a resounding message of appreciation, a salute that will reassure all merchant seafarers that the service is held in the highest esteem.

2015/16 Mayor Cllr Rob Skoulding pictured mayor3pastmayorswith three past mayors, from left to right Cllr Mrs Jan French, Cllr Kit Owen and Cllr Andrew Pugh.

 Picture courtesy Cllr Mark Purser

Annual Assembly 24 April 2018

Annual Assembly 24 April 2017

The Annual Assembly photograph 18 April 2016. The Mayor Councillor Rob Skoulding and Deputy Mayor Councillor Andrew Donnelly. Absent from the photograph is Councillor Malcolm George.
                                                                                                    Picture courtesy Cllr. Mark Purser

The Annual Assembly photograph 28 April 2014. The Mayor 2013/14 Councillor Andrew Pugh.
The Mayor elect 2014/15 Councillor Kit Owen is absent from the photograph.
                                                                                                      Picture courtesy Stephen Williams

The Annual Assembly photograph 22 April 2013. The Mayor  2012/13 Councillor Jan French and 2013/14 Mayor elect Councillor Andrew Pugh whose term commenced at the Annual Meeting 13 May 2013.

Annual Assembly May 2013

The Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor will represent the town at Civic occasions hosted by other local authorities and will host Civic occasions to which dignitaries of other local authorities are invited. The towns Civic occasions are: Civic Service, Remembrance Day Parade, Carol Service, Mayors Charity Dinner and Ball, Mayors Charity Evening.

The Mayor and/or Deputy will attend many events, well in excess of 80, during the year.