1220 Air Cadets, Fenland Sappers, St George’s Day School Writing Competition, the March Summer Reading Challenge, the churches of St Mary, St Wendreda and St Peter.

At the Annual Assembly 20 April 2020 Mayor Cllr Rob Skoulding distributed £3,800 raised for his chosen charities. Ten cheques were presented including; March Events £1000, Charlottes Way £250, Fenland Arts Association £250, Ben Davies – March Skate Park £250, 20Twenty Productions £200, FACT £500, March Summer Festival £1000, Rings End Nature Reserve £250, Zac Wallis £50, Storm Simms £50.
At the Annual Assembly 15 April 2019 Mayor Cllr Jan French distributed £3,300 raised for her chosen charities. Seventeen cheques were presented including; Cambridgeshire County Councils Summer Reading Challenge, March Street Pride, Fenland Debt Centre,
1220 (March) Squadron Air Training Corps, Veterans Breakfast Club, ELIM Church, Back Two, Wimblington Choir, Estover Playing Field Association, March Marlins, March Soccer School, MADAOS, Reading for the Blind, St Wendredas/St Peters Church, Academy of Irish Dance, 20Twenty Productions CIC.
In 2015/16 Cllr Rob Skoulding adopted Have A Heart as his chosen charity with the aim of providing defibrillators throughout the Town.
Cllr Skoulding said: “My dad died of a heart attack. If this equipment had been around it might have given him a chance. I would like to give families a chance to keep their loved ones.”
He said: “It is a simple piece of equipment that can save a life if you can reach one quickly. People stand a chance if they can get help from a defib within five minutes which is why I want to ensure there is one within four minutes of wherever people are in the town.”
Cllr Skoulding is donating his allowance as a Fenland district councillor to the cause and hopes that others will get behind the campaign. So far the response has been fantastic with donations from individuals, charities and fund raising activities including a coffee morning.
Together with his own contributions and proceeds from the Mayors Ball held at the Braza Club on 5th February 2016 this has enabled nine defibrillators to be installed so far with five more to go up very soon and three more planned.
Thanks to all for your support
Trustees of
March & District Nursing Association very kindly present a cheque for £3600 to The Mayor
On 6 February Cllr Kit Owen hosted 119 people at His Mayors Ball 2015. Held at the BRAZA Club guests enjoyed a five – course dinner by Classic Catering March Ltd. followed by dancing to The Skyliners.
Mayor of March Kit Owen and consort Sabina Sultanova wait to greet guests.
Guests included the Chairman of Fenland District Council, Cllr Ken Mayor and his wife Kay, The Mayors of Peterborough, Godmanchester and Whittlesey and the Chairman of Huntingdonshire District Council. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was John Whitehead. A raffle was organised by Paul and Kath Ashby which helped to contribute to a healthy surplus of £795 which the Mayor will use to support his three chosen charities; March and Chatteris Talking Newspaper Association, the March branch of Parkinson’s UK and March Disabled Swimming Club.

Wendy Underwood, Chairman of Huntingdonshire District Council Cllr Alan Mackender-Lawrence,
Ms Nijole Lukiene and MC John Whitehead.
Cllr Owen said: ” I was absolutely delighted with the night. The food was good, the music was good, the venue was good – everybody enjoyed themselves.”
In September the Mayor of March 2014/15 Cllr. Kit Owen attended a bike show organised by Skull Splitters MCC to judge and present awards.
Skull Splitters MCC are a Charity group that help with a few local charity projects and some local events. They organised the show to raise funds in aid of MAGPAS.
The Mayor of March 2013/14 Cllr. Andrew Pugh at Fossils Galore, High Street, March.
Cllr. Pugh supported the following charities during his term of office and through the funds he raised was able to make the following donations:
Young Carers March £220
1st March Scouts £115
2nd March Scouts £115
1220 (March) Squadron ATC £250
March Army Cadet Force £250
FACET £450
Chatting Independently £450
Mayor of March Jan French and her consort Michael welcome the Mayor of Whittlesey, Kay Mayor, and her consort Ken to the Mayor’s Charity Ball 2013.
Charities chosen by Cllr. Jan French for 2012/13 are:
St Peters Church Roof Fund
St Marys Church restoration
Magpas – The Emergency Medical Charity
Estover Park Youth Football Club
1220 (March) Squadron RAF Air Cadets
March Army Cadets
If you would like to make a donation please contact us. Every penny of donations received will go to the Charities and directly benefit people in our communities.