Planning Considerations Help Sheet
** Please see Help Sheet for details about March Town Council’s role in the planning process.
Fenland District Council is the Planning Authority, that is, the authority with the statutory responsibility for planning in the area and determines whether planning permission should be granted or not.
Cambridgeshire County Council is the authority with the statutory responsibility for waste and minerals.
March Town Council is a statutory consultee for all planning applications in the March area received by Fenland District Council. This is an important process that enables those with local knowledge to input into the consideration of a proposal.
Planning applications are considered during Planning Sub-Committee meetings or at March Town Council meetings. This is to avoid unnecessary delay and to ensure that comments can be fed back to Fenland District Council within the period allowed for consultation.
Representations can be made to the Town Council who will take these comments into consideration before making formal recommendations to the District Council.
The Town Council also has the opportunity to comment on Local Plans and County Structure Plans and on proposals within adjoining parishes which are likely to have a significant impact on the Town.
If you wish to comment on any planning matter you will need to consider who best to speak with: you may contact your local Cambridgeshire County Councillor, Fenland District Councillor and/or March Town Councillor.